During office hours we can be reached by phone as well as by email. In the evenings and weekends we can be reached by email. Please be advised that if there is an emergency and you do not get an immediate response to your email outside office hours, please contact Spoedgevallendienst Delft: 0900-8602.

At Tandartspraktijk Voordijkshoorn we work by appointment only. There is no open consultation hour.


Tuindersvaart 156-A

2614 SL Delft

015 213 42 75


Parking is free and there is sufficient parking space near the practice.

Email address


Opening hours

We are open
Monday7:30 — 17:00
Tuesday7:30 — 17:00
Wednesday7:30 — 17:00
Thursday7:30 — 17:00
Friday7:30 — 16:00

NOTE: Opening hours may vary during holidays. During the period between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, the practice is closed.

You can find us at:

Tandartsprakijk Voordijkshoorn is easily accessible by both public transportation (bus) and by car. Parking is free and there is sufficient parking space near the practice.

NOTE: when you drive to the practice by car from/via Den Hoorn, you will arrive at a lock. This lock is only accessible for vehicles with the correct permit. If you do not have the proper permit, a fine will be issued when passing through the lock. It is recommended to drive around.

Contact form